The Important Things to Know


Hey, Its Me, Hana…

Lets get to know each other a little.

I like coffeeshops but don't like coffee (unless it's turkish). My home is the warmest city I know:  Cairo, Egypt. My paychecks are almost always used on bills, bills, bills, and art museums. 

You may have picked this up already but I like art & design. I like expressing myself through different creative medias and always trying something new. I'm also very passionate about social justice. I try to keep my work as inclusive and accessible as possible. 

How did I come to be this way? I can't pin it on one thing. Possibly the fact that I've been moving around my whole life. Maybe it's that my parents were taking me to protests since I was 5. Maybe it was the day I took my disposable camera to my 2nd grade field trip. 

Our experiences shape us to be who we are and I want to help people be the best person they can be. Whether its through the student programming I manage at my 9-5 job at the University of Michigan, or by capturing peoples life experiences through my own lens, or even just through daily conversation.  


Curious to know more? You can contact me